10. Icy Worlds#

10.1. Europa#

10.1.1. Jupiter and its Satellites#

10.1.2. Tidal Evolution, Resonances, and Heating#

10.1.3. Europa’s Space Environment#

10.1.4. Surface Composition#

10.1.5. Interior Models#

10.1.6. Geology#

10.1.7. Heat Transport and Physics of the Ice Shell#

10.1.8. Habitability of Europa#

10.1.9. An Origin of Life on Europa?#

10.1.10. Europa and Astrobiology#

10.2. Titan#

10.2.1. Place in the Solar System#

10.2.2. Atmosphere#

10.2.3. Hydrocarbon Chemistry and Oceans#

10.2.4. Exploration: The Huygens Probe#

10.2.5. Results from the Cassini-Huygens Mission#

10.2.6. Future Astrobiological Exploration#